one room challenge - family room week 1

Sound the trumpets and let the stop watch begin, it is One Room Challenge time ladies! Whoop Whoop!

My dear friend Linda asked me to join in the fun for the second time and I am pumped and ready for some design action. Just look who I get to play in the sandbox with this time.
One Room Challenge

I know. Good, right?!

For those of you new to my blog, welcome and I look forward to getting to know you.

And for those of you who are new to this addictive series, here is the gist - 20 bloggers pick a room in their house (or the house of a client) to makeover. Every Wednesday for the next six weeks we will report on our progress, roadblocks and detours, ending with a big reveal full of oohs and aahs.

Six (short) weeks. Funny how six weeks sounds like a nice amount of time, until that clock begins and suddenly it seems like the snap of a finger.

This time I'm tackling our family room.

You might be thinking, "Elizabeth, you fool. That room looks fine to me."

But hold on with the name calling. I have a few good reasons actually.

First, those yellow walls aren't doing anyone any favors. They've been that way for five years now and I'm officially over them. While a happy choice in a lot of spaces, yellow in the basement just makes everything feel a bit jaundicey. (jaundice-like?) It's time for a change.

Then there is this saucy number. I found her at Goodwill for $20. She is in mint condition and after taking her vintage cushions for a spa day at the cleaners she is ready to rock the family (room). And green couch/yellow walls is not a good combo.

And the straw that broke the bloggers back was this little event. We had a really wet spring/summer. Not good. The only thing that prevented tears was the fact that I HATE that carpet. So I'm taking it as a sign of good things to come. I tried to convince the girls that we got water in the basement because they never pick up their toys but they didn't buy it.

So the plan is to change this room entirely. Something fresh, clean and most importantly dry. I'm channeling Anna Spiro and I'm going light, bright and colorful with a capital C.

One Room Challenge Little Black Door

The to do list is long. So very, very long.

- Rip up gross carpet (floor and stairs) and replace flooring
- Paint and plank walls and bookshelves
- Recover estate sale chairs
- Create some sort of art station for the girls
- Paint chairs and table
- Repair and paint coffee table
- Create toy storage that doesn't involve the words 'pink' or 'plastic'
- Get some art on those walls
- Find rugs
- New Lighting

I'll be referring to my Pinterest board on the regular, so feel free to check my organized brainstorm. And if you see a woman wandering around Home Depot with paint in her hair and a list in her hand, that's me. At Home Depot. For the third time this week.

Now let's check in with the others and see what great plans they have for us!

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