fess up friday - make me up

Anyone who has read this blog more than a handful of times might suspect I have tunnel vision when it comes to design (and good cocktails). And it is true, I do. I'm not holding back on you. There isn't some big other chunk of my life that I just don't share on here. Sure, I do other things with friends and family and there are large portions of my day that involve permission slips, lunch boxes, laundry and the rare date night that make life normal. But by and large, I voluntarily consume myself with design.

And that won't change. Not ever. Given a choice, I will always and forever spend money on something for my house rather than for myself (not including child needs of course).

But as I get busier with work, I would like to start to take a bit more time for myself and give myself a facial, moisturize or even possibly, hold on to your seat here, put on makeup. Crazy talk! I've never been much of a makeup girl, just some lipstick and mascara - and always good nail polish, but as mamma gets older she could use a little spruce.

So share with me. Teach me. What products do you use? Tell me what you love? What do you recommend? What do you wear everyday? How do you treat yourself? How many questions can I ask in one paragraph?

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