fess up friday - meet me in philadelphia

Can I get a hallelujah for the fact that its Friday? I'm hard at work getting ready for the big One Room Challenge reveal on Wednesday (light a candle that I can make the deadline) but I've got my girl Ashley from Meet me in Philadelphia to fess up today. Ashley not only creates amazing spaces in her own home (I want to copy her den inch by inch) but she also sells some of her killer finds on her Etsy shop. If you follow Ashley, you know why I crush on her so much. If I'm introducing you to her, your welcome. Take it away Ashley...

Happy Fess Up Friday, Little Black Door readers! I want to thank the awesome Elizabeth for inviting me to spill my guts in this series. Only a wonderful, hilarious, talented blog friend like Elizabeth could get me to do this…so here goes, my confession:

I love crafting but I cringe when I say that. If I could (and if my creativity would never run out) it would be crafting all day, every day. Glue guns, glitter, embroidery floss…I love it all. Turning raw materials into something else is the best feeling as far as I'm concerned. So, what’s weird about crafting, you wonder?

For many, crafting is a four-letter word. Crafting gets a bad rap and here’s the visual proof why:

I was at Joann Fabrics recently and snapped this picture of a huge display of these craptastic fleece no-sew blankets (read: a crapload of craptastic crap). When I took the pic I was kind of embarrassed, wondering if anyone was thinking, “She must be taking a photo because she loves them so much.” God, no.

“Crafts” like these give a bad name to the really brilliant handiwork out there. Let me show you what I mean:

Good crafts are out there! I don’t want to be embarrassed to use the word craft or to call myself a crafter anymore. So, look out world, I love to craft and I’m not ashamed to admit it!

Thanks, Elizabeth and LBD readers for having me today!

I promise Ashley, I won't think of craft as a four letter word any longer (even though it is five words). What say you? Do you all craft?

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