i'm in HGTV magazine, let's celebrate with pillows!

A few months ago I was sitting on the beach, sipping a cocktail (no lie) and watching my girls giggle in the sand. Life couldn't get any better. And then my phone beeped and I saw an email from HGTV magazine. What the what?

I am over the moon to be featured in their "WOW! What Color is That?" article. And not only do I get to show off the raspberry dresser I painted for my living room, but I'm thrilled the picture is also showing off some of my favorite work from my dear friend Jennifer at The Pink Pagoda.

It is so good to get one of my little secrets off my chest and share the good news with you all! I didn't think it was coming out until Tuesday, so y'all should have seen me when I spied it at Target on Saturday night (yes, I was at Target on Saturday night). As Ice Cube would say, it was a good day.

So be sure to check it out! Wahoo!!

And to celebrate, I have a special treat. My friend Brittany of Classically B is expanding her amazing pillow collection onto Etsy, and she is offering 15% off her already great prices to all little black door readers. Make sure you are a follower of little black door and you can use the code HAPPY15 at checkout. The offer expires on October 28th so make sure to order up before then! Early Christmas shopping people.

Magazines and pillows. Now that's a good Monday!

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