fess up friday - etsy stalker

Etsy. Just the word makes my heart pitter patter. Whenever I have something that I need to do but would rather put off (laundry, dishes, etc.) I go on Etsy for awhile instead. It's a much better use of time in my opinion.

"Big deal Elizabeth, everybody loves Etsy." I hear you, but here is my fess up - I have 17 pages of  saved Items I Love. It is a sickness people. I try to go in and periodically clean the list up, but whenever I do that it usually ends up growing. There is just too much awesome in one place. I can't stop myself.

Here are some of my favorites, in no particular order...
AriannaBelle - she's a sponsor of LBD for a good reason - she makes hella good pillows. Her style is always spot on and her work impeccable. She has her own store here, but you can also find her on Etsy.

Gypsya - They cover all the bases - pillows, throws, rugs and even jewelry. Very boho chic and very reasonably priced.

Meet Me in Philadelphia - I love Ashley's blog and now I can buy her stuff. Her collection is as eclectic as her house and she's got a mix of made and found things. I've got my eyes on those lucite napkin rings, so hands off people.

Mister Pillow - Vintage rugs to die for and pillows made out of vintage rugs to die for. Enough said.

Janet Hill Studio - I am a big fan of Janet Hill's work and it is my mission to have a gallery wall of her work. Her colors just sing to me and I love her traditional subject matter with a twist.

The Pink Pagoda - As a long time fan of Jennifer's blog and her store, I've gotten to enjoy a few of her prints and I've got several more on my Christmas list. (I pick really good sponsors, don't I?!) Her Merchant Man and Wife have a prominent spot in my living room and I always get compliments on them.

Soigne - A joint venture by Erin and Charmaine gives us all a chance to buy those things we wish we could find at estate sales and antique shops. Their collection is envious and they are always adding to the pot. Be sure to follow them on Instagram (Erin / Charmaine) to get a first look at pieces as they come in.

Kerry Steele - Kerry creates custom pieces that are museum worthy. Her work makes me feel like a big, grownup girl. It makes me want to have a big white wall where I can spotlight her work. And if you read her blog like I do, then you know she's a pretty cool chick on top of her talent. Not fair.

What Etsy shops are your favorite? What do you look for most on Etsy? (I'm a pillows fool myself) And how do you pronounce it? (At-see or Et-say)

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