fess up friday - designPOST

Friday is here and it is time to celebrate good times. My friend Beth from designPOST has come over today to put her cards on the table and do a little fessin' up. If you haven't visited designPOST yet you need to. Beth know how to tackle a project and show it who's boss and she makes it all look so easy. A modern day Wonder Woman I tell ya. Her daughter's nursery is still one of my favorites- baby glam all the way. Take it away Beth...

Hi LBD'ers, Beth here from designPOST interiors and I am so happy to be guesting here on Elizabeth's blog!  Not only can I unload a dirty little secret, but I also get to virtually hang with one of my favorite bloggers out there!  I am always anxiously awaiting Elizabeth's next project and she never disappoints!

Ok, so confession time.  There are so many weird habits I could confess to but I am going to try to keep it relatively normal.  At least I hope it's kind of normal?  I have major procrastination issues when it comes to my own home decor.  I have tons of end visions and half-started projects but somehow other things always get in the way...client work, kids, The Real Housewives, life.  I recently had a client casually say, "I should just come to your house and get ideas" to which I promptly had a panic attack.  The thought of being judged as a "decorator" based on my own house scares me a majority of the time.

Part two of my fess up is that the only time things do get done around here is when I have some kind of big event coming up.  The last time I tackled all of my half-done projects was right before my daughter was born last November.  And now her first birthday is rolling around and I am suddenly unstoppable.  My husband loves this about me, by the way (sarcasm, sarcasm).  In the last two weeks I have literally finished: painting and recovering 5 chairs- all rescued from the trash or Goodwill and all have been sitting around unfinished for months, hung 2 sets of curtains, hung a gallery wall, painted some frames, and found a lamp shade for a lamp that's been naked since it's purchase.  No lie!

I am exhausted and probably won't have the energy to finish another one of my projects for another 6 months.  And the cycle continues....

Thanks for letting me come to your confessional Elizabeth - I feel 10 pounds lighter!

One of the chairs I finished under the birthday party deadline:

It looks like I'm not the only one who works best under the gun. I love the chair Beth!

So tell me, do you wait until the last minute? Is a ticking clock a good motivator? Does anyone else wish we really could loose 10 pounds by fessing up?

And don't forget to take advantage of the 15% discount Brittany is offering to LBD followers to kick off her Etsy shop. Offer expires October 28th. Happy weekend!

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