estate sales strike again

Saturday was a peaceful day. The hubs and I had both had long, stressful weeks and we had zero plans for the weekend. A rare treat. The girls slept in and the sun was shining. Life was good. If I was in a Disney movie, I would have been singing in a field with a blue bird on my shoulder.

We went out to breakfast and were heading to the park for some quality playground time when we drove by my favorite Saturday sight - an estate sale sign. My sweet and loving hubs, who knows me so well, immediately said "drop us off at the park and you can run by and check out the sale." (he gets an extra Christmas present this year) I threw helped everyone out of the car and drove over to check it out.

It was crowded but I wasn't finding anything that spoke to me. Until, on my way out, I saw him. I smiled and he said "pick me."

His trunk was "injured" as the lady told me, but all of his parts were right there next to him just waiting to be put back together. And at $2.50 I couldn't go wrong. If this dude was in tip top shape he would be a few hundred. Until...crap. I was so busy enjoying my lazy Saturday that I had been too lazy to remember my wallet.

I ran out to the car and checked for loose change. I found a dollar in quarters and took a chance. I explained that I wanted the broken elephant and was it negotiable. "All I have is a dollar," I said in my best 'take pity on my' voice.

"I'll give it to you for $1if you promise not to use Elmer's Glue to put it back together. That just won't hold like you'll want it to," said the old lady in charge.

Umm, OK. That's a deal.

I love his detail.

And I think I will name him Elmer. In honor of the coo coo lady who let me have him for $1.

Do you have any good estate sale stories? Do you have something you couldn't pass up, even if it wasn't in the best shape? Have you ever tried to glue something this heavy back together using Elmer's? I didn't think so.

And remember, there is still time to sign up for your chance to win a $200 gift card to Target! (oh yeah). Giveaway ends Friday!

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