i survived

Have you ever been so tired that you have trouble forming a full sentence? That would be me.

I told y'all about the 50th anniversary party we were set to have at our house on Saturday but while I got ready for that last week I also had a surprise 4-day hospital stay (the hubs and he's OK now), an unexpected tree removal, out-of-the-blue plumbing problems and a sudden downpour.

But the Sister Sledge in me held on and I survived. And more importantly, 60 people had a great time. If you follow me on Instagram you got a few sneak peaks, but I'll do a proper party post after I sort thru the tornado that is my house and see if I got any good pictures.

Until then here is the welcome wreath that greeted guests at the front gate.

So what did I miss last week? Anything exciting happen? Share, share!

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