if it's pretty it's on instagram

As we prep for another weekend (thank the heavens) I wanted to make sure you are all aware of some series eye candy going down on Instagram. I know you are told this all the time but if you are not on Instagram yet, you need to be.

And when you get on there and set up your account start the party with these three. They have been making me all kinds of giddy as of late.

Parker Kennedy Living
They took the most insane pictures at High Point. Wicked good people.

Grant K Gibson
He has a way of taking beautiful shots of ordinary things and he goes such wonderful places. Living vicariously. And side note -he totes loves my green couch (he 'hearted' the picture on my Instagram). We are so gonna be besties.

Rethink Design Studio
An amazing design firm in Savannah that does a lot of historical work. One day when I get my old river house, I'm calling them.

So am I right or what? And make sure to follow me (@littleblackdoor) too. We'll totally hang out. It'll be a ball.

And don't forget to head over to the Simply Baby's spring blog party today. My fellow style contributor and blog buddy Tiffany Leigh is featured today and she's got great things up her sleeve. And look forward to these style contributors in the weeks to come too.

Any good plans this weekend? Share them with me...on Instagram.

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