one room challenge - week 5

Week 5 of the One Room Challenge and we are in the home stretch people! (catch up on weeks 1 - 4 here). It is a good thing too, because I don't think the rest of my house can take much more of this. Isn't it crazy how work in one room makes all the rooms around it into chaos?

This week I finished the vanity for the girls' room. My mom bought them this sweet little make-up table a while back and they looove to use it for their morning primp sessions. (Sorry but this bad blogger forgot to take a proper before picture so this is as close as it gets.)

It had already been painted when we got it but it was just a sugar coat and there were several nicks and dents that needed to be fixed. So I filled in the holes with wood filler, sanded it down and took it outside to spray paint. Luckily this step was done before the weather turned on me.

Sorry Richard Branson, but you were on top of the recycling pile. Love that BeeGee hair thing you got goin though.

Once it was painted white I got out my navy craft paint and the smallest brush I could steal from the girls' art supplies and decided to paint a little trim around the doors and drawer.

I cut a piece of paper to size, measured out the size and length of the border I wanted and then cut it out with my trusty x-acto knife. A little lesson learned - don't cut out the entire border or you will essentially just cut a big square out of the paper. Then you'll have to re-measure and re-cut your template. And you'll get frustrated and cuss under your breath like an old man and forget to take progress pictures of the whole thing.

Do yourself a favor and cut out everything except the corners, thus leaving your center in tact. You'll have to free-hand your corners when you paint, but it's better than free-handing the whole thing. If that makes sense.

The template worked fairly well. I did have to go back and touch up in some spots, and the lines aren't razor perfect, but then again, neither am I. And thanks Linda for convincing me to trim out the mirror as well. Smashing.

I picked up the gold hammered knobs, or the 'sparkly knobs' as they are known to the 5-year-old set, at Hobby Lobby for the ubiquitous 50% off.

And as a final touch I painted out the inside using the left over ceiling paint.

It would be bad if I decided to keep this for myself right? Luckily for the girls its a tad small for me, so it is all theirs.

In other news, this is happening.

I wanted to be able to show you the finished piece but it is STILL not dry and instead spread out all over my living room floor. But it is looking good and hardware is in route. Next week my friends.

Makes me happy to see a list with so many lines thru it.

  1. Come up with functional floor plan
  2. Paint walls/ceiling/trim
  3. Paint dresser (new hardware too) Progress
  4. Update vanity (maybe some fun color or hardware)
  5. Find curtains and add trim
  6. Add a rug and new bedding Progress
  7. Hang art and create some personalized pieces Progress
  8. Find/Install new light fixture (buh bye ceiling fan)
  9. Reupholster chair and possibly add comfy floor cushions 
  10. Find/Make lampshade(s) 
Let's take a look at what the others have up their sleeves.

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