bubbles with my bubbly

We've turned the corner. Now that the holidays are over, we are in the long depressing stretch of the gray, cold nothing that is winter. Not even a cuddly warm sweater or cute new scarf can trick me into being happy about the next two months. My mind is obsessed with nothing but getting warm.

And what better way to warm up than with a nice warm, quite bath. Nothing but me and my champaign (or champs as the RHOOC ladies call it).

I feel more relaxed already. Check out my bathroom board on Pinterest for more eye candy.

What do you do to help you get thru these frigid months? Do you have a nice big tub you use regularly? If you don't use it, can I come over and borrow it? Little Mermaid always ends up in my tub and she's not keen to share.

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