paint a rug party - week 1

Be honest. Painting a rug sounds like a good time, right? You know it does!

That's why when my friend Linda at My Crafty Home Life suggested a rug painting party I said, "your rug or mine". I never turn down a good party. (My, how the definition of 'party' has changed over the years.)

Actually this is the kick in the pants I've needed to take care of some naked floors around the house.  The hallway, kitchen and foyer are all in need of some coverage but I've never found anything I liked that was at the right price. We'll see how this rug turns out to see which lucky location gets to wear it.

Here is my subject.

And here is my inspiration.
via Pinterest
I'm going Chippendale.

I had wanted to do this pattern on our railings when we redid the deck, but a small deck spruce turned into a bigger project and well, you know how that goes. So this is my way of getting the look without pulling out the miter saw.

The only remaining decision is color(s) and that is still TBD.

I'm not usually one for logistics when it comes to this stuff but I did do a bit of research and found two great tutorials, here and here, that I think will help with the details. 

So with that, let the games begin.

Oh, and it should be noted - I have 1. never painted a rug 2. a very infantile brain that cannot think in negative space 3. very limited patience for any type of exact measurements and 4. a great ability to laugh at myself when this all goes haywire.

And be sure to check in on each of the other lovelies who are partying with me. We'll be reporting on our progress each Thursday for the next three weeks.

Simple Details

Now let's pop the cork and get started!

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