and your time

I've been cussing more than usual and my hands look like a Pollock painting. This can mean only one thing - work on the living room has begun. (You can check out what it used to look like here.)

I've already painted the ceiling, walls and trim and we are now at the blank pallet stage.

I rather like the look of the dangling cords draped into the middle of the room, don't you? It is super fun with kids.

But I'm not only painting walls. Remember these beauties?

They've been so hot in this heat wave that they stripped down to nothing. But they've gotten quite a tan (aka - black paint). Their new outfits are underway.

And today I'll be doing a little somethin' somethin' with this little can.

It reads a bit more orange in this pic but is really a fabulous raspberry. Not a color choice for everyone, but luckily I'm not everyone...I'm me. Very after school special I know. I think Neve Campbell will play me in the movie.

This process will be long as I try to get work done during naps and weekends, but I am of the opinion that the more upheaval this causes the rest of my house, the quicker I will be to get it done and get back to normal.

Does anyone else put things on their list that are small or they've already done just to have something to cross off? Well I do...
Living Room to do list:

1. Paint walls, ceiling and trim (not in that order)
2. Paint and recover chairs
3. Figure out room layout
4. Get artwork
5. Sew pillows and curtains
6. Clean rug or Get new rug?
7. Find/Make coffee table
8. Address window seat
9. Lighting
10. Paint 'other' items as needed
11. Couch finishing touches

So sad. Only 1 1/2 things crossed off. I mentioned this would be long right?

But wahoo, the FedEx man just called to say he'd be stopping by my house in a bit with a few supplies. We've grown very close, Herb and I. Now I'll be able to replace my Pollock hands with...I don't know any famous upholsterers. I think I need some more tea.

So how about you? Working on anything? Big, little, exciting or otherwise? Do you make a schedule for yourself with projects like this, or just go for it? Know anyone willing to work for free and come to my house and do all of this for me?

More pics to come!

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