fess up friday - the zhush

Fess up Friday is here again already? Man did this week go by fast! But luckily it did because I've been looking forward to today's guest for quite some time. The ever so lovely Sue from The Zhush is here today. I know, exciting right?! Sue has the classic and bang on style that every girl aspires to, and her store is chalk full of goodies that I'd love to have in my own home. (hint hint hubs!)

Sue, fess up!

These "Fess Up Friday" posts are a lot of fun...probably because they are all so relatable.  I'm hoping some of you can relate to my little confession here today...I'm obsessed with flowers! I blame Instagram, Pinterest and blogging for this pricey little habit.  Before I started my blog, I loved flowers just as much as anyone, but I certainly didn't know a Parrot Tulip from a French Tulip, and as for Ranunculus, I couldn't spell or pronounce these beauties, mostly because I didn't even know they existed!  But now, over fours years into blogging, and thanks to the visual feast that is social media, it seems I can't go a week without finding an excuse to visit a florist or two.  With Peony season in full swing, it's only getting worst...I need to start growing my own!

Every room I pin, every Instagram I snap, nothing looks right or stylish to me anymore unless there are some beautiful blooms involved.  Perhaps it's just spring fever after a long miserable winter...tell me I'm not the only one!

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