There has been blabbing aplenty on this room so I'll try to talk (type) less and show more. Most of you know how hard it is for me not to talk, so this will be a challenge.
To recap, here is what we started with. A sad little space. The space of a couple who was too tired working on the rest of the house to put much energy into said space (or apparently into proper pillow placement).
Initially the plan was to just throw some lipstick on it. Add a bit of paint and maybe some new bedding. It was to take no time at all. Ha! I'm such a fool. When will I ever learn?!
A little paint led to more changes and more changes. It was that whole 'and they told two people, and they told two people, and so on.' This turned into a lot of 'and so on's.'
Here is my 'and so on' space.
The new paint color was a bit darker than I had originally planned but it grows on me more every day. Its like Barry White, all warm and velvety. And there is no better room for Barry than the bedroom. Yep, I just went there.
Bedside tables are still a topic of discussion (in my head) but these are a good fit for now. Both are castoffs from the basement.
I shopped my basement and brought up this old iron headboard and added ribbon trim to bamboo roman shades (also from the basement) to soften them up a bit.
Giving the ribbon treatment to the existing bedskirt and making my own monogramed shams meant that all I bought for the bed itself was a throw pillow from HomeGoods and new sheets (which I lurve) from TJMax.

The lampshade came with the lamp (purchased from Target about 5 years ago) but I never used it as it had a big rip along one side. Hmmm, maybe that is why it had been on clearance?
I covered it with a 1/2 yard of fabric purchased with a Hobby Lobby coupon and a can of spray adhesive. I mean I used the coupon to buy the fabric. I don't think you can pay for things with spray adhesive.The floor lamp was found at a garage sale while walking the dog. I only had $1 on me and the wonderful woman was happy to take it. Holla!
Another gallery wall in the making, although this one is certainly in process and will grow over time.
The old frames came from my parent's basement (what's with me and basements?) and my mom was nice enough to hand them over under one condition - "don't you dare spray paint them!"
A rug is still needed (I'm waiting for one to speak to me but I'm told rugs don't speak, so that might be part of the problem), and I'd still LOVE to talk the hubs out of chucking that ceiling fan in favor of a great old chandelier. But for now - I'm just going to enjoy.
So in the words of the Beastie Boys - that's it that's all that's all there is.
P.S. - I made a challenge to myself at the beginning of this project to try and take a second look at things I already owned rather than going out and just buying a bunch of new stuff. After all, if I bought it at some point, there must be something I liked about it - right?. Almost everything in here was something I already owned and just altered. As for the items I did purchase - paint, ribbon, wrapping paper, fabric and a few estate/garage sale items - I did this whole room for less than $125. And that makes me happy.
P.P.S - For anyone who thinks my bed stays that straight all the time - here it is just 10 minutes after taking these pics.
Now what am I going to do with all this free time?
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